what's it all about?

This blog is devoted to slowing down and looking honestly at the way we live our lives here on earth. In the faced paced world we live in, its important to put life in perspective and decide what really matters to us. Hopefully, this blog will inspire you to live everyday with joy and with a smile on your face, and to serve others with compassion and love. So while we are still here, let's show God's love to this world and fill it with the hope of the kingdom that's coming soon.

Monday, January 23, 2012


when it all boils down, it seems all one really needs to do to live is breath, sleep, and eat. essentially, doing these things should keep us 'alive', but to me, those things are like specks of nearly invisible dust in the definition of being alive.

for many of us, its difficult to budget time to really live. frankly, i suppose that may be a result of the fact that we find the need to organize every instant of every day of our lives. calendars, planners, checklists. we can't seem to 'get anything done' if its not part of the schedule. but sometimes, the best moments in our lives are not part of the plan at all.

think back to last time you were entirely and unexplainably at peace, even if it was just for a moment. now think of what you did, or what someone else did, or what happened to leave you with that sense of peace, that sense of comforting freedom, and the feeling that in that particular moment everything was still and you thought to yourself, "life is good'.

sadly, these moments seem to be rare and fleeting for so many people. with everything that is on today's to-do (or maybe yours is more like 'NEED TO DO FOR SURE OR ELSE... UH OH') list, how can we even hope to feel that moment of peace and tranquility?

sometimes, i just can't bring myself to do those need-to-get-done-now things on the list. and i think at that point, something inside of me is whispering, "be still". or possibly, "be still and know that I am God".

when i have one of those be-still moments, its a little like getting to a hotel after the stress and chaos and tension of pulling a 50 pound suitcase (that they made you pay to check) all over the airport and spilling your coffee on your white shirt and sitting in the middle seat on the plane and then staring at that endless moving belt waiting for your suitcase and calling a taxi and checking in so late that you really only hear part of what the person at the desk is trying to tell you and then, finally, getting to your room.

and then you just kind of drop your suitcase on the floor and flop without caring a bit onto the slightly suspicious hotel comforter... and finally breathe.

that's what it feels like when i have a be-still moment.

and while every moment doesn't end in a nice hotel and a needed vacation, i must say that my day progressively improves after that first real breath.

entering the world of college life this year has certainly had its ups and downs. although i will say honestly that the ups enormously outweigh the downs and 99.9% of the time i am happy and excited about life and God and pretty much everything! but being happy doesn't necessarily equal being still and at peace. with 18 credits and the homework that accompanies them, organizations and activities, church and volunteering, keeping up with friends, and hopefully a potential new job, this semester is sure to be a busy one!

and now, more than ever, i pray that i will be able to experience those be-still moments with the beauty and clarity of mind that they bring.

so as you are scrambling to accomplish every last task and make every appointment on time, i pray that moments of peace will sneak up on you and bring you the rest and clarity you so desire and need.

remember to live to be alive, not just to breath, eat, sleep, and repeat. remember to take time to do the things that give you a chance to rest and to reflect, and to hand over your burdens to the God who has the strength and the love necessary to carry even your heaviest ones.

so whether you sit in a noisy coffee shop reading your bible with a peacefully quiet heart and spirit, or you turn up the 90's tunes and dance alone in your room with the windows wide open, or you sit on your bed with a good book, a cup of tea, a big spoon and a jar of peanut butter, or you take a walk along a forest trail or the beach or the city streets, or you fall to your knees and pray and cry and sing aloud,
                                                          i pray that you will be at peace.


  1. This is really good Alexandra! I'm happy you got around to doing this blog :) I know you were excited about starting it last time we talked. This was a great read right before I decide to call it a night :)


    1. thanks nicole! for reading and for always being there for me! i love you!

  2. Great post Alexandra!! You sound exactly like Shauna, seriously!! Thanks for reminding me to be still and spend time with the Lord today :)

  3. aww abby! thank you for reading and for always putting a smile on my face! love you!
