what's it all about?

This blog is devoted to slowing down and looking honestly at the way we live our lives here on earth. In the faced paced world we live in, its important to put life in perspective and decide what really matters to us. Hopefully, this blog will inspire you to live everyday with joy and with a smile on your face, and to serve others with compassion and love. So while we are still here, let's show God's love to this world and fill it with the hope of the kingdom that's coming soon.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Sometimes, we just get so caught up in the stresses of this world. Whether its school, work, finances, health problems, or worries about the future, we have to remember that we are all blessed in so many ways!

When circumstances are tough and life seems like a perpetual storm, it can be really really difficult to feel blessed. You may feel like you have nothing to be happy about at all. But the truth is, we have so many blessings and EVERYTHING to be JOYFUL about!

To start, we have food to eat, clothes to wear, (clearly computers on which to read this blog!). And what about our families, our friends, our freedoms, our opportunities to be educated or to get a job? Aren't those things blessings too? Much of the time they bring us joy, yet sometimes they do bring us stress or hurt or pain. But to be brutally honest, wallowing in the not so happy things in life won't make us feel any better at all.

My life isn't perfect, nobody's is. There will always be hard times and anxieties. But we have been promised, by the one true God, that those sad times WONT LAST FOREVER! Yes, you might cry an ocean of tears sometimes, and thats OKAY!  But the one thing that I try to remember every time those tears start to flow is the words of John in Revelation 7:17:

"And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes"

We are not meant to be sad forever! We are meant to rejoice in the beauty of the life God has given us! And if you truly feel you have absolutely nothing to feel blessed about, then here is one: God loves you and he sent his only son to die for you so that one day you could join him in his glory and never shed another tear.

To me, that is the most joyful and wonderfully amazing thing I could imagine.

So, if you are feeling a little less than blessed today, just remember someone loves you and that your life has been blessed since the moment it began.

So I leave you with this:
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

So count those blessings TODAY! And SMILE because God loves YOU!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this Alexandra!! What an amazing first post! I feel so blessed after reading this, and especially blessed that we're roommates!! I can't wait to continue reading this over break when I'm missing ya. You're the best!
