what's it all about?

This blog is devoted to slowing down and looking honestly at the way we live our lives here on earth. In the faced paced world we live in, its important to put life in perspective and decide what really matters to us. Hopefully, this blog will inspire you to live everyday with joy and with a smile on your face, and to serve others with compassion and love. So while we are still here, let's show God's love to this world and fill it with the hope of the kingdom that's coming soon.

Friday, December 16, 2011

only four years!?

As I prepare today to leave Marquette for a month long Christmas break, I can't help but wonder where a whole semester has already gone! I feel as though I just got here and now I am already 1/8 done with my entire college career!

Whether its college or just life in general, it is easy to see how true it was when old people told you that life goes by faster and faster with every year. I have already been alive for nearly two decades and I have no idea where that time has gone!

I think that living life with the mindset that every day counts is probably the most productive way to spend your time here on earth. There are so many opportunities that we encounter in our lives to do good in this world. And for me at least, it is difficult to decide which of these wonderful opportunities I can realistically take advantage of. Especially in college, there are a plethora of things that you can do that later in life you may be no longer able to do.

So then how DO you decide what to do!?! For me, it has been extremely helpful to pray for God's will. I know that God has the ultimate plan for my life and asking him what he wants me to do has made my decision-making process much easier and more fulfilling too.

Sometimes its hard to forget about our own plans and just trust God to take care of our lives. Being a huge dreamer and planner continues to make that step difficult, especially when I feel like my plan sounds so great. But when I take to day-dreaming about my future, I try to remind myself that God already has my life all planned out from beginning to end and his plan is way more awesome than mine! His plan is PERFECT!

So as we try to decide what steps to take in life, what activities to get involved in, what jobs to apply for, what to do in our free time, it is important to remember that God want us to be happy and he wants us to live so our lives will fit into his plan for us. We do have to put in wholehearted effort if we want to experience God's plan for us.

Whatever brings you joy, fulfillment, humility, and most importantly, whatever brings glory to God, is what you should be doing. So when the worry sets in that life is too short to accomplish everything you want to do, just take a deep breath and remember to live today and everyday to spread joy and love to others and to praise God.  If you do these two things, all those good opportunities will somehow fit into your life and with that will come the satisfaction and fulfillment of knowing that your life here on earth matters.

Our time here on earth is so precious, like Peter says, "With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day" (2 Peter 3:8). My hope for you, and for myself, is that we can live our lives with happiness and gratitude, because even though our life is comparatively very short, God cares about every single day of our life and what we do does count as we seek, hope, and wait for the coming kingdom!

This is a picture of a few beautiful children in Ecuador. Lately, traveling there to provide aid and to learn more about the needs of the poor in this country has really been on my heart! So as I go through the process of deciding if, when, and how to take this trip, I pray that I will be able to do whatever God's will is for me and that you will keep these children, and all the hungry children in our world, in your prayers!

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